Puppetring is a space for meeting and sharing, for exchange and reflection about puppets, shadows and marionettes. It embraces modernity and tradition, up-to-date news regarding puppeteers, and articles of in-depth analysis and reflection. Puppetring is one of a triad of sister sites: Putxinel·li (Catalan), Titeresante (Spanish) and Puppetring (English).
Puppetring is aimed at puppeteers, the public, directors and programmers of festivals and theatres, academics, and also at amateurs, teachers, and anyone and everyone interested in the art of puppetry. Therefore Training and Development is important to us, and has its own section. Visitors will find their way easily through the Sections and the selection of specific Tags.
Open to the complex multiplicity of today’s world, Puppetring seeks to highlight the most interesting and vigorous initiatives, as well as spreading ideas of today’s creators and thinkers. The extraordinary variety and wealth of puppet traditions that exist on the planet is astonishing, and provides a unique opportunity to define the common denominators of the multiple through the study of the particular. “Difference unites” is our slogan, and to activate the local global dynamic is our objective. We wish to talk about all this, without restrictions or dogmatism, open to collaboration with others and to similar and like-minded initiatives.
Puppetring: to entertain, instruct, and help professionals, amateurs and enthusiasts of all kinds, offering contents that are agile, timely, serious, amusing and full of live. A space that aims to ennoble and celebrate the art of puppetry.
– Director: Toni Rumbau
– Editor: Cesc Martínez
– Web manager: Iván Fernández (Noutrading)
– Graphic design: Edgard Fernández (Noutrading)
– Editorial Board: Adolfo Ayuso, Maryse Badiou, Víctor Molina, Toni Galmés, Jesús Atienza, Cesc Martínez and Toni Rumbau. – External contributors: Eugenio Navarro, Rebecca Simpson, Alberto Cebreiro, Pilar Gálvez, Teia Monner, Carles Cañellas, David Laín, Idoya Otegui, Miguel Arreche, Jacques Trudeau, Jorge Bernárdez, Enrique Lanz, Yanisbel Victoria, Maria José Machado Santos, Rute Ribeiro, Luís Vieira, Stéphanie Lefort, Filip Auchère. Raluca Tulbure, Karim Dakroub, Cengiz Ozek, Tamiko Onagi, Nobuhiro Sugita, Lilo Skaarup, Darja de Caluwe, Tito Lorefice, Valmor Nini Beltrame, Shaday Larios and Susanita Freire.

Editorial board. From left to right, Cesc Martínez, Toni Rumbau, (standing) Jesús Atienza, Víctor Molina, Maryse Badiou, Toni Galmés and Adolfo Ayuso. Photo, Jesús Atienza.