La Caja de Morgana

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    La caja de Morgana is born in 2011 as a form of communication with the nomads of Mongolia. From this idea, arises our first puppet show: Pepi, the mongol sheep, some wooden puupets on strings that, with a little stage, travel with us from van to van.
    After this exciting adventure, Pepi, the sheep took us to act in an orphanage in Addis Abeba, and to meet the Mursi tribe in the natural park of the Omo valley, Ethiopia.

    Conquered by the puppetry passion, we began to get some training and to work on two lines:

    • A social line, now with the show Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Octopus, and developing fabric and string puppets workshops in orphanages, schools and childrens of the slum of Puri, in the region of Odisha, India.
    • A scenic line, with several short works and our production Dracula, el ser de las sombras.


La Caja de Morgana