- Carlos López
- Marieta Rojo
- Cristina Robledillo
- Roberto Alonso
- web: http:/www.laboratoriotitirinante.com
- Facebook:es-la.facebook.com/laboratoriotitirinante.titeres
- Contact: laboratoriotitirinante@gmail.com
- Tel: 662 33 22 63 – 629 68 01 07
- The “Laboratory TiTiRinante” born with the intention of promoting the art of puppetry and marionettes, using as tool for energizing a Travelling Workshop, workshops combining puppet construction and manipulation with the representation of our shows. “We represent not a commercial venture, but a social adventure linked to the theater of puppets, people, streets and squares, recovering the tradition and the natural scenery puppet: the street.”
- Who are we? A group of puppeteers who want to share the art of puppetry, promoting artistic, cultural and personnel exchange between puppeteers and interested people in this art.
- Where did we come from? This project was born in late 2011 in S.O.S.Titelles Cultural Association, under the roof of the Casa-Taller de Pepe Otal in Barcelona.
- The Traveling Workshop. In 2013 we will cross Latin America for a year, from Mexico to Chile, bringing with us a workshop on wheels, a truck turned into tangible workshop, a physical space in which to create, share, build and promote puppetry.
- We generate collaborative projects and cooperation with puppeteers and groups interested in the art of puppetry in Latin America, promoting puppetry as a tool of expression and social transformation.