Micro Troupe

Micro Troupe - Perico

  • Directors: Joan Gispert i Porcar and Elena Mesa Alonso
  • Company: Micro Troupe
  • address: Carrer Bòria, 10
  • city: Sant Quintí de Mediona (Alt Penedès)
  • country: Catalunya
  • e-mail: microtroupe@gmail.com
  • web: https://microtroupe.cat/
  • Micro Troupe is a Puppet company formed by two characters: Mina and Roc, who always find a way to give life to everything they want to explain.
  • Elena and John (Mina and Roc) construct stories, songs, puppets, the sets, the costumes and all the props that appears when we see them on stage, even the smallest detail.
  • See articles on Putxinel·li here.