Puppetring offers the possiblility of becoming a Sponsor to Festivals, Theatres, Museums, Big Companies, Puppetry Centres and other institutions related to puppets.

MORE INFORMATION: editor@titeresante.es


  • visibility on line with a fixed banner on every page on the three sites
  • personalised promotion and visibility depending on the needs and characteristics of the sponsoring body. News, special reports and artices.
  • visibility in the Puppetring world map
  • internacional diary (under construction)
  • Free entrance to the Agenda
  • easy search for contents related to the Sponsor by means of a Tag
  • presence on the Sponsors page with information and links
  • invitation to be on the Magazine’s Advisory Panel
  • Puppetring’s philosophy, based on the principle of Cooperative Intelligence, is to encourage exchange, complicity, communication between different cultures, and also paricipation and enthusiasm. Therefore, the magazine aims to realize these ideas through initiatives and an editorial policy in which these concepts are respected. Suggestions, news items, opinions, contacts, and so on, will be welcomed and treated with the maximum attention, guaranteeing fluent and constructive dialogue between Editors and Sponsors.