
Image Trastam. Picture Jesús Atienza

Today, March 21, 2012, at 12 noon we present, in the framework of the TOT Festival in the Pueblo Español (Spanish Village) of Barcelona, our new, triple magazine. This public presentation is directed at the press, puppeteers and all who are interesed in the world of puppetry. It’s only a month since we leapt into the arena, and we can say that Puppetring and its two sister sites Putxinel·li and Titeresante have had a good response. A few days “up and running” that have been indispensable for understanding the rhythms and the challenges of a magazine such as this; meanwhile our IT team, led by Ivan Fernandez, is still working on the final details.

Today, however, we want to address our public, puppeteers – some we know personally and others we don’t  –  who have begun to follow us, and all those interested in this subject, to send you a message, loud, clear, and triple – as all good things are, in this world:

Join Us, Participate, Push!

We need you to give us a push, in our task of keeping alive an activity that requires a great deal of energy and many hours, as well as good number of collaborators. And the best way to participate in these initial stages is to become associated with our project, by paying a fee that we have made very affordable for the first few months in the hope of encouraging everyone to sign up: 35.40 euros (including VAT), until 15th May. After that, the cost will be 57.82 euros (VAT included) per year.

The meaning and benefits of Associate Membership will be found by clicking on this page. And you will find how to join on this other page. For those living outside Spain, credit card payment through Paypal will soon be available.

Companies, puppeteers, theatres, festivals, museums, puppet centres, amateur companies, puppet theatre-goers, academics and interested individuals are invited to become associate partners in this Puppet Ring that seeks to connect the local and global, and dignify a discipline that is more than an art, given the confluence of languages ​​that now defines it.

We consider that the principle of Cooperative Intelligence, (a concept we like to wield as an alternative to outmoded ways of acting) is applicable to our case, given the following points:
– Breaking down cultural, linguistic and religious barriers between peoples and cultures while, at the same time, defending the different traditions and cultural specificities as indisputable “belongings”
– Promote an inclusive competitiveness (instead of the negative, exclusive kind)
– Develop an open and dynamic professionalism
– To encourage an expansive, cooperative creativity; a creativity without complexes
– Sponsor a system of relations and exchanges between equals
– Opt for a method of organisation through networks and that is cooperative
– Establish an open, generous, varied, imaginative and intelligent content policy.

These are the principles we want to share and develop from Puppetring. Principles which we invite you to participate in, to associate yourself with and to push forward.