Words with shadow”, short stories Blog about puppets from an image (photo, illustration, drawing …) made by the author of the story. Ángel Casado and the Cultural Exchange Commission (UNIMA) aim to create a space to promote the creation and collection of short stories about puppets from an image (photo, illustration …) made ​​by the author himself, for free diffusion. An annual prize of 100 € be awarded to the story with most votes through the blog “Words with shadow”. The result of the poll will be announced through the blog and in different media during the month of november.

Words with shadowShadow image from Mercè Framis

Setting up by the hand of José Bolorino, you can access the blog from the side menu of Titeresante and directly to this address:http://www.wordswithshadow.com/


  • Create a literary and images file of puppets, for free sharing.
  • Help preserve and expand a common heritage around puppets.
  • Create a voice and image archive from the puppets history authors
  • Promote exchange and diversity of views about the puppet through texts and images of own creation.