The show company Imaginart, from Sabadell, near to Barcelona, has brought one of his unique productions to London, where they are knowing success. ‘Sensacional’ is an audiovisual show for children from 18 months to 3 years, and they participate actively in the choreography of images projected on the stage. Properly dressed in white clothes, children are taken to the squared place where the drawn figures of animals, flowers and shapes pass. This calls their attention and push them to move. The children and their shadows emerge as a choreographic movement that is at the same time completely spontaneous, a deep stimulus designed to trigger complex emotions. The small area where the enlighted figures move leaves all external reality out, in the dark, creating the illusion that the bodies and the flat pictures share the same dimension. As with the traditional puppet theater, the inert object, which in this case is not even that but only the image of it, is perceived as real living through that identification for both the manipulator (absent in this show, there is only one actress guiding children) and the audience.
The extreme sophistication and simplicity of the show, thanks also to a very appropriate music, have not gone unnoticed for London theaters nor the audience. ‘Sensational’, conceived and directed by Eulàlia Ribera and Jordi Colominas, staged by Carles Porta with animation by Romina Leon and music by Josep Maria Baldomà, got to The Egg in London on February 13, and from today 19 to 24, it will be at the Unicorn Theatre, where, in advance, all tickets are already sold out for almost all days. Later, in April (10-12) it will be at the Arts Depot and yet at the Albany Theatre (21), both in London, and it will visit Stockton in May and then again London.